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Extra! Extra! Brand Newsletters Educate and Entertain

Inform. Educate. Entertain. These are generally agreed to be the three goals for branded content. And there is no better way to get that content to customers and prospects than by sending out a newsletter. What’s more, newsletters are a vital tool for brands because they help maintain consistent communication, fostering engagement and loyalty.  

Newsletters are great for building relationships and providing ongoing value for your customers. They can be used to share company news, industry insights, and useful tips. They have long been a cornerstone of direct mail marketing, providing businesses with an effective way to build and nurture relationships with their audience.

Whether delivered in print or digitally, newsletters offer an ongoing channel for sharing valuable information, industry insights, and company news. For example, here’s an example of a collection of successfully branded newsletters from HubSpot:

The Hustle: Irreverent and insightful takes on business and tech, delivered to your inbox.

Trends: Data-backed business trends, research insights, and industry analyses for business builders, delivered weekly.

Masters in Marketing: Exclusive interviews with industry leaders, and curated resources, to help you become a better marketer.

The Pipeline: Tips, tactics, and strategies from experienced sales reps to help you make President's Club.

These newsletters are successful—The Hustle, alone, boasts 2.5+ million readers—because they go beyond just selling products or sharing news. They build relationships, provide value, and create a sense of community around their brand.

(PFL, as well, has a monthly newsletter we think you’ll enjoy.  Sign up here.)

To Print or Not to Print

While many newsletters today are sent digitally, printed newsletters remain a valuable tool for many organizations and industries, especially when targeting audiences that appreciate or prefer physical mail over digital communication. In most cases, newsletters can be sent in either form, depending on the recipient’s needs. An added benefit is that these print newsletters often stay on desks and countertops for quite some time.  

Here, for instance, is a newsletter sent out by “The Mather,” a community for those 62 and older in Evanston, Il. Many in this demographic are more comfortable receiving a printed piece than a digital one. Called “Insight: A Glimpse into Your Future at the Mather,” it extolls the virtues of living in what they call “a life plan community,” all supported by the findings of a Mather-conducted study.

Mather's "Insight" newsletter to keep residents in the know.

Overall Benefits of Printed Newsletters

  • Tangibility: Physical newsletters offer a tangible connection that digital communication often lacks, creating a more personal feel.
  • Visibility: They are less likely to be ignored or deleted like emails, especially when placed in a visible spot in a home or office.
  • Targeted Reach: Printed newsletters can be targeted to specific audiences who prefer print, ensuring the message reaches those most likely to engage with it.
  • Longevity: Printed materials can be kept and referred to, unlike digital communications that are often read once and forgotten.

Printed Newsletters for Different Business Sectors

1. Schools and Educational Institutions: Reach all households, including those without reliable internet access, ensuring that important information is communicated to the entire school community.

2. Libraries: Create a valuable resource for patrons who might not be tech-savvy or who prefer the physical experience of reading on paper. This is especially true for many book readers who still like to read offline. It also serves as a reminder of the library’s offerings, encouraging visits and participation in events.

3. Real Estate: Deliver an effective way to stay top-of-mind with potential clients, providing them with valuable insights and establishing the real estate agent as a knowledgeable local expert.

4. Healthcare: A great way to reach older patients or those who might not use digital media frequently. They also help build trust and reinforce the healthcare provider's commitment to patient education and community health.

5. Financial Services: Maintain a personal touch with clients, offering them tangible value in a format that can be read at their convenience. They also serve as a reminder of the firm’s expertise and services, potentially prompting clients to reach out for consultations.

Why Newsletters Work

In general, newsletters—digital or print—work because they provide consistency and value by regularly delivering content that is valuable and relevant to the recipient. They also have a distinct voice and personality that resonates with the target audience, making the content more personal and engaging. They are further able to foster a sense of belonging and community, encouraging subscribers to engage with the brand beyond just reading the newsletter. Finally, data and feedback can be used to tailor their content, ensuring that it remains relevant and interesting to their subscribers.

Types of Newsletters

  • Company Newsletters
    Company newsletters focus on sharing internal news, updates, and milestones with customers and employees. They can include anything from new product launches and company achievements to staff highlights and corporate social responsibility initiatives, all of which help humanize your brand and create a deeper connection with your audience.
  • Industry Newsletters
    Industry newsletters are designed to provide subscribers with relevant insights and updates within a particular industry. These can include market trends, regulatory changes, and expert opinions. By positioning your brand as a thought leader, industry newsletters can enhance your credibility and foster trust with your audience.
  • Educational Newsletters
    Educational newsletters offer value by providing readers with tips, how-tos, and best practices related to your products or services. These newsletters are highly effective for customer retention, as they help users maximize the benefits of your offerings and expertise.
  • Promotional Newsletters
    Promotional newsletters are used to highlight special offers, discounts, or upcoming sales events. While their primary goal is to drive immediate action, it's important to balance promotional content with informative or educational content to maintain reader interest.

Crafting Effective Content for Your Newsletters

Creating compelling newsletter content requires a clear understanding of your audience and what they find valuable. Here are some tips to help you craft effective newsletters:

  • Provide Value: Ensure that the content you include is relevant and valuable to your readers. This could be actionable advice, industry insights, or exclusive company news. The more value you provide, the more likely your audience is to engage with your newsletter.
  • Consistency is Key: Maintain a consistent schedule for sending out your newsletters. Whether it's weekly, monthly, or quarterly, consistency helps build anticipation and trust with your audience.
  • Engaging Copy: Write in a clear, conversational tone that resonates with your audience. Avoid jargon and make sure your content is easy to understand. Use storytelling to make your messages more relatable and memorable.
  • Personalization: Where possible, personalize your newsletters with the recipient's name or tailor the content based on their preferences or past interactions. Personalization can significantly increase engagement rates.
PFL's 'Must Reads' Digital Newsletter

Combining Newsletters with Other Strategies

Newsletters work best when integrated with your broader marketing efforts. Here are some ways to combine newsletters with other strategies:

  • Cross-Promotion: Use your newsletter to promote other content or channels, such as your blog, social media profiles, or upcoming webinars. This can drive traffic to your other marketing assets and increase overall engagement.
  • Surveys and Feedback: Include links to surveys or feedback forms in your newsletters to gather insights from your audience. This not only helps you improve your newsletter content but also fosters a sense of community and involvement.
  • Calls to Action: Encourage your readers to take specific actions, such as visiting your website, signing up for an event, or sharing the newsletter with others. Clear and compelling CTAs can drive further engagement and conversions.

Newsletters remain a powerful tool for maintaining ongoing communication with your audience. By providing valuable content, maintaining a consistent schedule, and integrating engaging visuals, newsletters can enhance your brand’s relationship with customers, prospects, and supporters. Whether you are a marketing manager, entrepreneur, or non-profit organizer, mastering the art of newsletters will help you connect with your audience in a meaningful way and achieve your marketing goals.

Tips for Success

  • Provide valuable and relevant content.
  • Maintain a consistent schedule.
  • Use engaging visuals and easy-to-read layouts.