PFL’s ‘Greatest Hits’
Now Playing: “My Share-ona”

The Arrangement: Share PFL's “Greatest Hits” with a colleague who isn't using PFL today and potentially score a pair of AirPods Pro for both of you.
The Set List:
1. Enter your colleague's contact information in the form to the right.
2. Hit submit.
3. A digital version of the Greatest Hits will be delivered right to their inbox.
Don’t worry, we will not follow-up or re-market to your colleague in any way. We will delete their contact information after sending them the Greatest Hits.
Remember, if your colleague takes a meeting with us, both of you will receive a pair of AirPods Pro as a thank-you gift. But act fast—this is only while supply lasts!

Complete the form below to send a friend their own copy of 'Greatest Hits' — Score AirPods!
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