The Top 10 PFL Blogs in 2024
(plus a little extra)

We welcome in 2025 with a look back at 2024 to see what content most interested PFL’s readers. But let’s get this out of the way first: That perennial favorite, The Little Tale of Sister’s Irish Soda Bread, continues to move up the charts—4th place in 2022 and 3rd place in 2023, and it moved into second position in 2024. While many of our blogs are “have to reads,” this one is clearly a “want to read,” and we’re happy it remains a favorite. Will it make Number 1 next year?
Now back to business.
#1 The Power of the Catalog: 10 Real-world Examples
Leading the pack is this roundup of catalogs from renowned companies that have used direct mail to the max. These examples demonstrate how direct mail catalogs can be a powerful marketing tool. You have probably received—and ordered from—at least a few of these. Seeing how others—especially global brands—do it is always worth a read.
# 2 The Little Tale of Sister’s Irish Soda Bread
See above.
#3 McKinsey Report: Top-notch Customer Service Ensures Success for Insurers
McKinsey & Co. surveyed more than 8,500 insurance customers and reported the results in “Elevating customer experience: A win–win for insurers and customers.” Among the main insights gleaned: Delivering a winning customer experience (CX) is a strong predictor and driver of successful financial and organizational outcomes in the insurance world.
#4 10 Real-world Examples of Holiday Campaign Excellence
Another roundup of what the best of the best have done in direct mail marketing. While we all don’t have the resources to reach these levels, there is no shortage of creativity and innovation in many businesses today—such as yours—to do some great marketing work for the holidays. Here, then, are 10 the most successful and memorable winter holiday campaigns from the last decade that might serve as an inspiration.
#5 How to Elevate Your Direct Mail to Be ‘More Than Mail’
When direct mail is elevated, it becomes more than just mail. It can be more than a postcard or a routine letter, or a coupon you receive, or a monthly bank statement, or the note your insurance company sends on your birthday. Direct mail can be the bridge that connects your brand to your audience, driving engagement across the customer journey.
#6 Introducing PFL’S ‘2024 Spring Lookbook’
As the Spring of 2024 arrived, PFL introduced our latest collection of trend-setting products, reflecting our commitment to sustainability. It is all showcased in the PFL 2024 Spring Lookbook. This thoughtfully curated selection of seasonally relevant products both mirrors current trends and signifies our commitment to responsibility and sustainability.
#7 Part 1: The Power of Direct Mail—5 Types & Tips
Direct mail marketing remains one of the most effective ways to reach your audience. Despite the ubiquity of digital marketing, physical mail can capture attention and drive engagement in ways no other medium can. Personalized direct mail delivers high engagement and brand recall. Here’s a sampling of some of the main types of direct mail and few tips for what you can do to make each of them successful.
#8 SAP Concur Uses the Personal Touch to Reengage with Customers
The SAP Concur marketing team realized they were out of touch—with some customers, that is. They noticed that some people who had not engaged with marketing activities within a certain timeframe were becoming inactive. Marketing management decided something had to be done and hit on the idea that, to reengage with them quickly, the team would add a personal touch.
#9 Lost in the Sea of Emails? Dive into the Direct Mail Pool!
We at PFL have been preaching for quite some time that people, today, are bombarded with digital content, pop-up ads, and, yes, emails—we call this “the sea of sameness.” Which, in many cases, means “the sea of emails.” So, the next time you find yourself drowning in the sea of emails, take a plunge into the direct-mail waters and watch your message perform swimmingly.
#10 Direct Mail: The Holiday Gift that Keeps on Giving
Marketing with direct mail for the holidays takes a bit more imagination and innovation than normal. If you want to surprise and delight customers and prospects with a thoughtful card or slick catalog, you have to stand out. Our gift is these tips to help you create unforgettable seasonal direct mail campaigns.
The Second 10
As a lagniappe for the new year, here’s the list of the second ten articles that PFL readers found interesting in 2024.
Pitt CTSI Finds Optimized Direct Mail to Be a Marketing Shot in the Arm
Happy (Re)new Year! Direct Mail Solutions that Deliver
The Right Audience-Engagement Strategy: It’s A Gift
Why Every Company Should Be a Data Company
When You Wish Upon a... Catalog?
Roundtable Part 1: How To Level Up Your Mailbox Mojo
Be Very Afraid...It’s Direct Mail—Not!
PFL’s 2024 ‘Holiday Cheer Lookbook’!
Core Values: Relationships—A Matter of Trust
The Power of a Compelling Call to Action for Direct Mail Campaigns